Grant Recipients – 2011
Organisation: Alzheimers Australia NSW
Project Description: Help with holding dementia cafes (information sessions) in the Valley
Grant: $1,500
Organisation: 1st Bega Scout Group
Project Description: Renovations to the Scout Hall
Grant: $500.00
Organisation: 1st Cobargo Scout Group
Project Description: Purchase of a cooking box and some new tents
Grant: $500.00
Organisation: 7th Light Horse Bemboka Troop
Project Description: For tunic material, hats, fur felt, bridles and breeches
Grant: $1,100.00
Organisation: Accommodation Support Parent Group
Project Description: Purchase of white goods such as washing machine, dryer, refrigerator and mocrowave.
Grant: $1,200.00
Organisation: Bega District Woodcraft Assoc. Inc
Project Description: Upgrade an old closed circuit projection system to give a larger better quality image
Grant: $1,298.00
Organisation: Bega Valley Heritage Skills Group
Project Description: Purchase of a BBQ, gas bottle and utensils
Grant: $420.00
Organisation: Bermagui Playgroup
Project Description: Purchase of educational toys, books, musical instruments etc. Creating safe access to storage for equipment and cover cost of hall hiring and public liability insurance
Grant: $500.00
Organisation: Bermagui Seasiders Inc
Project Description: Purchase of a specialised, portable display system
Grant: $800.00
Organisation: Bermagui University of the Third Age Inc
Project Description: Purchase of 2 whiteboards
Grant: $450.00
Organisation: Cobargo Preschool
Project Description: Purchase of a new fridge
Grant: $1,200.00
Organisation: Eden Community Access Centre Inc
Project Description: Laptop Computer. To be used for teaching, demonstrations and presentations at meetings and conferences
Grant: $700.00
Organisation: Little Yuin Aboriginal Family Centre
Project Description: to hold creative workshops in the school holidays.
Grant: $2,000.00
Organisation: Luke Priddis Foundation
Project Description: To purchase resources for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their parents
Grant: $1,000.00
Organisation: Mens Shed @ Merimbula Inc
Project Description: Cover Insurance and the purchase of materials
Grant: $800.00
Organisation: Old Bega Hospital Reserve Trust
Project Description: Purchase of a lap top computer and printer
Grant: $700.00
Organisation: Pambula Preschool
Project Description: To establish a garden area that will enhance the playground, and provide a living, learning environment
Grant: $500.00
Organisation: Southern Women’s Group
Project Description: Workshops covering basic crafts including knitting, crocheting etc.
Grant: $1,000.00
Organisation: The Richmond Fellowship of NSW
Project Description: Purchase of Arts Program to help people through their trauma
Grant: $750.00
Organisation: Yuin Folk Club Inc
Project Description: Accommodation, artist’s fees, venue hire, travel costs etc. for a special presentation and Memorial Concert
Grant: $2,000.00
Organisation: Aboriginal Culture Centre Monaroo
Project Description: Purchase of a multipurpose projector and portable screen
Grant: $2,500.00
Organisation: Atlas of Life in the Coastal Wilderness
Project Description: To facilitate the trainingt of community volunteers to learn how to recognise species of local flora and fauna, relevant OH & S procedures, techniques of digital photography
Grant: $1,000.00
Organisation: Bega Chamber Orchestra
Project Description: To offer professional musicians a reasonable stipend for teaching and performing at the South Coast Music Camp
Grant: $2,750.00
Organisation: Bega Sub-Branch of Returned Services League
Project Description: Update existing three computers, vital for administration and records
Grant: $700.00
Organisation: Bermagui Community Technology Centre
Project Description: To continue basic training and support for seniors to understand emails, photos etc.
Grant: $2,500.00
Organisation: Eden Whale Festival Incorporated
Project Description: To engage a coordinator to run a series of lantern making workshops for the 2012 Festival
Grant: $2,750.00
Organisation: Footprint Theatre Inc
Project Description: Expansion of lighting and sound capacity, including stands, cables, profile lights, microphones, mixing desk etc.
Grant: $3,750.00
Organisation: Imlay House
Project Description: Purchase of a Broda Chair
Grant: $4,050.00
Organisation: Merimbula-Imlay Historical Society Inc
Project Description: Production of a history book
Grant: $2,750.00
Organisation: Murrah Hall Restoration
Project Description: Purchase of chairs, trolley and portable rostra
Grant: $1,500.00
Organisation: Pathways Foundation South Coast
Project Description: Delivery of a program designed to support the whole family with issues around coping with adolescent children. Refers also to drug and alcohol abuse
Grant: $2,000.00
Organisation: Quaama Parents and Citizens Association
Project Description: Portable stage lights for the School of Arts Hall
Grant: $2,637.80
Organisation: Sapphire Coast Marine Discovery Centre
Project Description: Snorkel leader training to be undertaken by 8 volunteers
Grant: $2,750.00
Organisation: The Gospel Project
Project Description: The facilitation of two gospel singing workshops
Grant: $3,250.00
Organisation: Wilderness Coast Mountain Bike Club
Project Description: To provide signage and promotional materials to “Doolagharl” 20 km multi-purpose track. 12 hours employment for two Aboriginals
Grant: $2,900.00