Grant Recipients – 2009
Organisation: Auswide Services
Project Description: Assist 20 Elders from Wallaga Lake,Eden & Bega to attend Aboriginal Elders Mini Olympics in 2010
Grant: $3,350
Organisation: Bega Woodcraft Assoc
Project Description: Hand tools for use by school groups, their mentors & community groups
Grant: $2,000
Organisation: Bemboka Community
Project Description: Table,chairs,smoke alarms & security lighting
Grant: $2,000
Organisation: Campbell Page
Project Description: Indigenous Youth Strategy
Grant: $3,000
Organisation: CWA Pambula
Project Description: Merimbula Support for seniors to attend 3 cinema showings
Grant: $650
Organisation: Drug Action Team
Project Description: Run RSA for Bega Vally High School yr 12 students
Grant: $3,000
Organisation: Eden Primary
Project Description: P&C and Playability Playground equipment for after school and vacation care
Grant: $2,500
Organisation: Edgy Art
Project Description: Childrens sculpture workshops and guided tour of Sculpture on the Edge at Bermagui
Grant: $1,500
Organisation: Four Winds
Project Description: Workshops for Indiginous children by Lou Bennett assisted by other artists, to perform at the 4Winds concert
Grant: $2,500
Organisation: Friends of the Library
Project Description: Purchase a Wii console, games & TV for Eden library
Grant: $1,500
Organisation: Historical Vehicle Club
Project Description: Assist student mentor project for Eden High students- materials & Parts for project
Grant: $1,500
Organisation: Imlay House
Project Description: Portable trolley shower
Grant: $3,000
Organisation: Meals on Wheels
Project Description: Continuation of the the Fishing Bus
Grant: $1,500
Organisation: Men’s Shed@Merimbula
Project Description: Woodworking tools for use by students and adult mentors
Grant: $3,000
Organisation: MS Support Group
Project Description: Attend Xmas lunch by 25 MS sufferers
Grant: $1,250
Organisation: Old Bega Hospital
Project Description: Fire extinguishers
Grant: $950
Organisation: Playgroup-Eden
Project Description: Educational learning resources
Grant: $500
Organisation: Preschool-Bega
Project Description: Outdoor blocks & storage trolley
Grant: $1,400
Organisation: Rescue Squad 2X 100m coils of rope & storage bags
Grant: $1,400
Organisation: SC Marine Discovery
Project Description: Young people snorkelling gear for educational guided snorkelling tours
Grant: $3,000
Organisation: Scouts-Cobargo
Project Description: Training new leaders
Grant: $500
Organisation: Scouts-Merimbula
Project Description: Canoe, safety equipment & First Aid training
Grant: $2,000
Organisation: St Johns-Bega
Project Description: Duty uniforms & CPR training dummies
Grant: $4,000
Organisation: Towamba Progress Association
Project Description: Use of the local bus for social outings for isolated people in Towamba
Grant: $1,000
Organisation: Women’s resource centre
Project Description: Living Well Workshops for disadvantaged women
Grant: $3,000