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2007 Recipients

Grant Recipients – 2007

Organisation: Alzheimers Australia NSW
Project Description: Help with holding dementia cafes (information sessions) in the Valley
Grant: $1,500

Submissions seeking over $1,500

Organisation: Art In The Garage
Project Description: Gardens, sculpture area around new buildings allowing wider participation than of artists
Grant: $5,000

Organisation: Bega Chamber Orchestra
Project Description: Purchase french horn for the orchestra instrument pool
Grant: $4,795

Organisation: Bega Valley Meals on Wheels
Project Description: Oral history collection, particularly of ill and elderly
Grant: $2,500

Organisation: Rocky Hall Pre-school
Project Description: Training in internet use, archiving local history, maintain website, IT support for local artists, IT support for local children
Grant: $3,000

Organisation: In Theatre
Project Description: Training of youth in putting on a show
Grant: $2,100

Organisation: Karri Yalla Aboriginal Artists Group
Project Description:  Training local artists in Canberra in working with glass
Grant: $5,000

Organisation: Pathways Foundation
Project Description: Assist local families attend camps for teenage boys & their fathers
Grant: $2,500

Organisation: The Crossing
Project Description: Sea2Snow project – training, expedition & energy challenge discovery
Grant: $3,000

Total large grants: $27,895

Submissions seeking up to $1,500

Organisation: Bega Access Radio (EDGE FM)
Project Description: Purchase of equipment to record & broadcast telephone interviews & sound card for studio computer
Grant: $1,465

Organisation: Bega Valley Historical Society
Project Description: Storage facilities for Bega Museum
Grant:  $1,300

Organisation: Bermagui Preschool
Project Description: Purchase a cubby house
Grant: $1,500

Organisation: Bega Valley Disability Parent Support Groupo
Project Description: Resources, meetings with guest speakers
Grant: $1,400

Organisation: Friends Of The Libraries
Project Description:  Purchase 3 Audio Navigators for use by the blind
Grant: $1,500

Organisation: Bermagui Historical Society: Laptop computer & printer
Grant: $1,500

Organisation: Bermagui Community Garden Group
Project Description: Landscaping around Bermagui Community Centre
Grant:  $1,000

Organisation: Cobargo Scout Group
Project Description: Landscaping around the Cobargo RSL hall
Grant: $1,170

Organisation: Eden Pre-school Kindergarten
Project Description: Paint mural reflecting the local indigenous community
Grant: $1,200

Organisation: Heartsong Choir
Project Description: Construct modular stage risers
Grant: $1,299

Organisation: Little Yuin Aboriginal Preschool
Project Description:  consumable & learning materials
Grant: $1,500

Organisation: Montreal Goldfields
Project Description: First Aid course for 10 volunteer guides
Grant: $1,300

Organisation: Merimbula Coastal Patrol
Project Description: Projector, screen & stand for training: $485

Organisation: Merimbula-Imlay Historical Society
Project Description: Recording material to undertake local oral history
Grant: $1,049

Organisation: Respite Care Bega Valley
Project Description: Trampoline for the adventure playground
Grant: $1,500

Organisation: Women’s Resource Centre
Project Description: Workshop promoting self sufficiency & sustainable home gardens
Grant: $1,450

Total small grants: $21,511

Grand Total: $49,413