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2000-2001 Recipients

Grant Recipients – 2000-2001

Organisation: Bega Valley Geneaology Society
Project: Printing of Pioneer Register, in partnership with school-aged young people.

Organisation: Bega Chamber of Commerce and Reconciliation Coalition
Project: Cultural Awareness Workshops, aimed at improving the opportunities for young Koori people to gain “mainstream” employment.

Organisation: Bega Valley Historical Society
Project: Preservation of textile collection, in conjunction with students from the Bega High School.

Organisation: Workability
Project: Restoration of Dr. Seeton Orchid collection, through developing theskills of Workability clients, most of whom are young people with disabilities.

Organisation: Tulgeen
Project: Art in the Garage

Organisation: Nardy House (respite care)
Project: Volunteer Admin Support

Organisation: Cobargo On-Line
Project: Administrative Support to a voluntary committee of mainly young people who wish to establish an Internet Cafe.

Organisation: Far South Coast Musicians Club
Project: Series of Youth Music Events over 12 months

Organisation: Eden Access Centre
Project: Computer soft-ware suitable for young adults.

Organisation: Edge FM Radio
Project: Assistance to replace of existing Broadcast mixing desk.

Organisation: Bega Walking Together/ANTaR Coalition.
Project: Support for volunteers

Organisation: Bega Rotary in partnership with Spiral Gallery
Project: Purchase of picture frames which can be used by emerging artists; the collection to be held in the Bega Regional Gallery

Organisation: Rural Tourism Network
Project: Printing and distribution of newsletter

Organisation: Montreal Goldfield ManagementCommittee
Project: Restoration of Monreal Goldfield

Organisation: Imlay Special Needs Group
Project: Resources for Parents

Organisation: Men’s Health and Well-Being
Project: Support for men’s and boys well-being projects

Organisation: Respite Care Bega Valley Inc.
Project: Drama workshops for children with autism

Organisation: P.A.N.T.S (Performing Arts Network)
Project: Performing arts development for the Bega Valley Region: Discretionary grant of $5000 to support the activities of Youth Week (details negotiated with Youth Safety Net.)