The grant was used to upgrade the content and presentation of the children’s festival at the 2023 Cobargo Folk Festival. With the help of our funding, they were able to rebrand the children’s festival as “KidBargo”.
KidBargo! was managed professionally and delivered a high-quality experience targeted at children under 12 and their parents. It included child-focused performances, a range of activities from arts and crafts, dance and wellbeing workshops and a flag parade. The program also included the 2023 Cobargo Folk Festival Schools’ Concert held at the Cobargo Public School, drawing in children from Quaama. This has been an annual event during festival week. Our grant allowed them to engage in three top-quality acts this year, with school-based experience.
KidBargo! was a fun and safe space for families to explore their creativity and have fun together. The venue was well-attended and feedback about the program was highly positive. It has strengthened the foundations of the kids’ content at the Cobargo Folk Festival, enthused and inspired children and parents alike, and many promised to return in 2024.
Congratulations to Zena Armstrong (Cobargo Folk Festival Director) and everyone involved in delivering the beautiful and inspiring program at the Cobargo Folk Festival!