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The second annual How Art Bemboka Community Hub Men’s Dinner took place on Saturday, October 19th, at the Bemboka Sports Club. Nearly 40 men attended, and the event featured cars, motorcycles, plenty of hearty food, conversations, providing opportunities to connect.

Glenn Cotter from R U OK delivered an honest and open talk on the importance of checking in on each other as mates and being bold enough to ask “are you okay” if you feel your mate is not doing well. The staggering figures of 9 suicides a day, with 7 being men, really brought the message home.

Thank you to all the men who contributed by bringing cars and motorcycles, making the night a great success. Events like the Men’s Dinner are vital for providing opportunities for men to relax and catch up with others in a stress-free setting.

Mumbulla Community Foundation is proud to support this event.